Monogram Colors takes the iconic brown omega replica canvas and recasts it on a trio of simple bags trimmed with swathes of leather in two or three contrasting colors per bag. All the bags currently a part of the collection are in the Tuileries family: the large Tuileries Hobo, with a single, short shoulder strap; the medium-size Tuileries Besace, with both a short shoulder strap and long crossbody strap; and the Tuileries Handbag, which is a medium-size mulberry replica satchel.
Monogram Colors takes the iconic brown omega replica canvas and recasts it on a trio of simple bags trimmed with swathes of leather in two or three contrasting colors per bag. All the bags currently a part of the collection are in the Tuileries family: the large Tuileries Hobo, with a single, short shoulder strap; the medium-size Tuileries Besace, with both a short shoulder strap and long crossbody strap; and the Tuileries Handbag, which is a medium-size mulberry replica satchel.